Safety of employees

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Safety of employees

The Company continuously improves its approaches to managing health, labor protection and industrial safety.

The Company has adopted the “Health, Labor, and Environmental Protection Policy,” compliance with which is mandatory not only for the Company employees but also for the employees of contractor organizations.

CJSC “Kumtor Gold Company” recognizes the paramount importance of ensuring production safety, protecting the health of its employees, the employees of contracting organizations and local communities, alongside responsible environmental management. At all stages of KGC’s activities, we adhere to the motto “No job is so important that it can be done without following safety rules” and the following principles and commitments:

  • Compliance with relevant requirements and provisions of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and generally accepted international principles of production organization.
  • Creating working conditions for the Company employees that ensure the absence of uncontrolled production risk factors.
  • Assisting contractor organizations in creating working conditions for their employees that ensure the absence of uncontrolled production risk factors.
  • Eliminating potential health and safety risks for the Company employees, contractor organizations, and the local population, considering socio-economic factors.
  • Achieving an understanding of the significance and continuously improving the overall effectiveness of health, labor, industrial safety, and environmental protection measures at production sites.
  • Adhering to the principles of the safety leadership program, according to which everyone is responsible for their own safety and the safety of their colleagues, to ensure that everyone returns home safe and healthy after work.

To further promote safety performance Kumtor Gold Company has introduced the Six Golden Rules of Safety:

  1. Never break safety rules and standards.
  2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
  3. Report all safety hazards and incidents.
  4. Be qualified and authorized to use tools and equipment.
  5. Never use defective equipment or disable safety devices.
  6. Be fit for work.

As well as Five Point Safety Production System:

  1. Have I checked the entrance to my workplace?
  2. Is my working place and equipment in good order?
  3. Am I working properly?
  4. Have I done an act of safety today?
  5. Can and will I continue to work properly?

“Kumtor Gold Company” continuously enhances the safety levels at its facilities. The company’s approach involves controlling key risk factors: the impact of equipment/machinery and hand tools; falls from heights; electric shocks; and road traffic accidents.

The management of occupational health and industrial safety aims to completely eliminate the recurrence of pre-accident, accident, and other hazardous situations. The company thoroughly analyzes all incidents related to equipment operation or employee actions. As part of this work, the causes of incidents are identified, and measures are developed to prevent their recurrence in the future.

The gradual implementation of automated data and process management systems in the field of occupational health and industrial safety, along with monitoring and regular analysis of the obtained information, ensures the effective functioning of the management system.

Organization of systematic work on planning and implementing legal, socio-economic, organizational-technical, sanitary-hygienic, medical-preventive, rehabilitation, and other measures aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the course of their work activities within the Company and its subcontractors.