Licenses and Permits

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Licenses and Permits

Main documents and permits for operations of the “Kumtor” project

Kumtor Gold Company continues to obtain its permits, approvals and agreements according with applicable Kyrgyz legislation and regulations. The key permits and documents are listed below.

Documents title Valid to*
Revised Concession Agreement 2042
Action plan in emergency situations (APES) Until amendments to APES
License for the right to obtain, form, store and use Highly Toxic Substances at CJSC Kumtor Gold Company February 15, 2027
Permit for disposal of waste in the environment January 19, 2025
Permit for emission to atmosphere by stationary sources of pollution July 19, 2025
License for construction works Without terms limitations
Permit for right to conduct exploration operations on the concession area October 30, 2026
Permits for the right to carry out blasting operations at the Central, South-West and Sarytor quarries January 29, 2025
License for import, production and sale of explosive substances August 26, 2025
Conditions of safe shipment of cyanide to Kumtor minesite by motor transportation Without terms limitations or until changes made
Permit of cyanide shipment from Balykchi to Kumtor minesite November 25, 2024
Permit for cyanide storage at Kumtor minesite November 25, 2024
License in the field of telecommunications and data communications Without terms limitations
Permit for discharge of treated industrial effluents May 8, 2025
Permit for discharge of treated domestic effluents May 8, 2025

* Permission documents are subject to renew upon expiration of validity